Imagine getting the data you need in the place you need without impact or long wait times. Mycelium makes it possible. We utilize an approach to get you correlated data while maintaining integrity at a fraction of the efforts and enabling multiple teams to share resources.
Environment Refreshes Reimagined
Contact us today to get a demo of how an end-to-end DevOps process can be utilized at your organization.

Automate Procuring Data
Identifying and utilizing data securely and consistently to meet your the needs of all your development, testing and project teams.

Automate Testing
Utilize Mycelium to conduct repeatable testing with a focus on automation for repeatability, clarity and traceability for improving the quality of your organization.

Automate Release Management
Automate the identification, packaging and deployment of changes at any granularity to get a consistent release process. Track and catalog each step in the release cycle. Quickly validate deployments with our testing integration.
Non-Production Environments That Are Purpose Based
Imagine creating environments that are a fraction of the size and cost of the production eco system without impacting integrations or data quality and referential integrity. Mycelium’s Copy Data Management module utilizes a data mining and crawling capability to identify data dependencies within a system as well as the correlation to an integrated system or application.

Quickly identify and securely utilize data for development and testing.

Identify issues with data quality, application functionality and release dependencies through automation.

Improve quality through correlation & consistency.

Automation provides clarity on outcomes while still focusing on consistency and repeatability.
Copy Data Management Simplifies the process of identifying data for development & testing
A visual tool that is aware of the data relationships make identifying and collecting data efficient without requiring any SQL knowledege.
– Identify data quickly
– Filter and isolate data for the use case
– Scramble, secure, and encrypt data per business rules.

Time & Cost Savings
Automate labor- intensive & time consuming efforts. Significantly reduce testing cycles, & focus on more strategic tasks.

Enhanced Scalability & Flexibility
Use automation to handle increased work- load with ease & consistency.

Enhanced Test Coverage
Utilize automation for comprehensive testing including rates testing, V- Creation & more.
Just because you can refresh faster, doesn’t make it easier to use data.

Development & Testing Teams
The act of finding data that is relevant to the needs is time consuming. Why not let automation procure the right data?

Secure Data through Encryption
Scramble and encrypt customer data into your non-production environments. during the copy process.

Replicate Data Easily
Quickly replicate the business scenarios including the referential integrity across data sets to meet all your needs.

Reduce Data Refresh Times
Data refreshes are disruptive and time consuming. Utilize CDM to get information quickly and efficiently.
Managing Change Just Got Easier
Automating the release management process offers utility companies significant benefits, including faster time-to-market, improved reliability and stability, enhanced visibility and traceability, streamlined compliance and governance, and resource optimization. Embracing automation principles, utilities can unlock efficiencies, improve agility, and deliver greater value to customers and stakeholders.
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint?
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint? text BoxHow can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint? text BoxHow can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint? text Box
Where can I learn more about how to get started?
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint?
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Why would DevOps benefit my organization?
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint?
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Is Mycelium’s solution on-premise or cloud based?
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint?
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What are licensing options around Mycelium’s solutions?
How can Mycelium help me reduce my data footprint?
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